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Welcome to my blog.

I am Adrien Plazas, actually studying computer science in Montpellier, France.

Here I'll write about my studies, the GNOME desktop environment and video game preservation.

I hope you'll enjoy it! =)


Posts les plus consultés de ce blog

libhandy 0.0.10

libhandy 0.0.10 just got released, and it comes with a few new adaptive widgets for your GTK app. You can get this new version here . The View Switcher GNOME applications typically use a GtkStackSwitcher to switch between their views. This design works fine on a desktop, but not so well on really narrow devices like mobile phones, so Tobias Bernard designed a more modern and adaptive replacement — now available in libhandy as the HdyViewSwitcher . In many ways, the HdyViewSwitcher functions very similarly to a GtkStackSwitcher : you assign it a GtkStack containing your application's pages, and it will display a row of side-by-side, homogeneously-sized buttons, each representing a page. It differs in that it can display both the title and the icon of your pages, and that the layout of the buttons automatically adapts to a narrower version, depending on the available width. We have also added a view switcher bar, designed to be used at he bottom of the window: HdyView

Moving the Blog

I am moving this blog to greener lands: . The existing articles will remain here on Blogger, and new articles will land on the Plume instance.

GTK+ Apps on Phones

As some of you may already know, I recently joined Purism to help developing GTK+ apps for the upcoming Librem 5 phone . Purism and GNOME share a lot of ideas and values, so the GNOME HIG and GNOME apps are what we will focus on primarily: we will do all we can to not fork nor to reinvent the wheel but to help allowing existing GTK+ applications to work on phones. How Fit are Existing GTK+ Apps? Phones are very different from laptops and even tablets: their screen is very small and their main input method is a single thumb on a touchscreen. Luckily, many GNOME applications are touch-friendly and are fit for small screens. Many applications present you a tree of information you can browse and I see two main layouts used by for GNOME applications to let you navigate it. A first kind of layout is found in applications like Documents, I'll call it stack UI : it uses all the available space to display the collection of information sources (in that case, documents), clicking a