During last GUADEC, I had a chance to briefly present my project of having a powerful yet simple video game manager and player for GNOME. To make it a reality, a lot of work was needed on the backend side. This article present the release of the first version of this backend, in its release candidate form. Libretro Libretro is a C/C++ API used mainly by retro video game console emulators and game engines. Writing an emulator and writing a GUI application require very different skills, using Libretro allows to isolate the backends (often called modules or cores) implementing the API from the frontends using the API to manipulate them, easying the port of the emulators or engines and offering a multiplicity of cores to choose from to application developers. The main frontend of Libretro is RetroArch and it have been ported across multiple systems. Retro Retro (or retro-gobject) is a GObject based Libretro wrapping library written in Vala. It eases the creation of Libretro...
Adventures in GNOME and Video Game Preservation