In my previous article I shared my plans to help porting existing GTK+ applications to Purism 's upcoming Librem 5 phone without having to fork them. This article will present the GTK+ widget I developed for Purism to make this happen. For more information on what Purism is working on for the Librem 5, please check Nicole Faerber's latest article . C'est pas sorcier The underlying idea is to allow applications to dynamically switch between the two main GNOME application layouts: a row of panels — each panel being the view of an element from the previous one — and a stack of panels. The goal isn't to changes applications using the stack paradigm but the ones using the row one, allowing them to reach smaller sizes and to be usable on constrained sizes while keeping their initial paradigm and design when the screen space is sufficient. The development cost to port the applications to this adaptive design should be as low as possible. To achieve that, I wrote a GT...
Adventures in GNOME and Video Game Preservation