Games received a non-negligible amount of changes that you will find in 3.26. These changes can be big as much small, and more are to come! Building the Games Collection Games presents your games collection and if everything goes as expected, it does so without the need of any input from you. From an implementation point of view it sounds simple to do, just ask Tracker “Hey, gimme all the games” and it’s done. If only it was that simple! 😃 The system has no idea which files represent games and which doesn’t, but it can associate a MIME type to each file thanks to shared-mime-info . shared-mime-info already had a few video game related MIME types and we added a lot more such as application/x-genesis-rom . That done, we can query Tracker for files having specific MIME types that we know to often represent video game files. Unfortunately, each of these files doesn’t necessarily represent a game and a game isn’t necessarily represented by a single file: some files may be invalid and...
Adventures in GNOME and Video Game Preservation